The fundamental five Scorecard

The #1 reason most people fail with their diet or exercise plan is


The F5 Scorecard is a healthy habit trainer that solves this with a unique system designed to:

  • Focus your attention on the daily activities that create health

  • Assess your current habits (measure a baseline)

  • Pinpoint areas for improvement

  • Set daily and weekly "habit goals"

  • Measure your progress

  • Build consistent healthy habits that create true physical vitality!

Download the scorecard now

All information herein contained in video or text format is for general information only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. HabitWoRx makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information provided, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through the website, videos or emails with other sources and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. All persons beginning an exercise program should consult their physician for the suitability of the program.

Copyright 2024® - PO Box 30601, Savannah Georgia 31410